• DR. JEFF MANNING - lead Pastor

    Pastor Jeff was ordained to preach the gospel in April of 1987, after completing his B.A. in Bible and Pastoral Training at Welch College in Nashville, TN, in 1986. He then pursued his Masters of Divinity at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, and graduated in May of 1990. Two months later Jeff assumed the Youth Pastor position at Unity. After one year of working with the young people, the church called Jeff as Pastor, the position he has held since 1991. Jeff completed his Doctor of Ministry degree in Expository Preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY in December, 2002. He and his wife, Jennifer, were married on May 25, 1985, and have three adult children: Jena (married to Jon Hart), Jake, and Joanna. He is "Pops" to three grandchildren, Zeke and Iva Mae, and Brooklyn.

    Contact: jeff@unityfwb.org

  • KEVIN JUSTICE - Worship and Administrative Pastor

    Kevin was ordained to the ministry of the gospel in 1992, after receiving his Bachelor’s degree in English and Bible while traveling extensively with various music ministry teams from Welch College in Nashville, TN. He served for over nine years at Fellowship Church in the Nashville area before coming to Unity on January 1, 2000. While serving as Minister of Music, Kevin pursued a Master's Degree in Worship Studies through Liberty University, and graduated in May of 2012 . Kevin and his wife Sheila are parents to Blake (married to Emily), Brandon (married to Elizabeth), Tyler, and Lauren (married to Davis Andrews). He is "Papa K" to Greyson, Judah, and Lucas.

    Contact: kevin@unityfwb.org

  • jorden hoffman - Student Pastor

    Jorden joined Unity's pastoral staff in 2022 after completing his Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Youth and Family Ministry at Welch College in Gallatin,, TN. He was very active in local church youth ministry while earning his degree. He is married to Courtney with one child, Luke.

    Contact: jorden@unityfwb.org

  • Ti Barnhill - Children's Pastor

    Ti joined Unity's pastoral staff in the summer of 2018 after serving as a student pastor in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Welch College in Youth Ministry in 2003, was ordained in 2005, and completed his Masters of Arts and Religion in Church Ministry from Liberty University in 2011. Ti is married to Beth with four children: Julia, Lily, Gracie, and Henry.

    Contact: ti@unityfwb.org

  • Jeremy Thomas- Connections Pastor

    Jeremy joined Unity's pastoral team in March of 2022 after over 20 years of ministry with churches in Arkansas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Welch College and has a Master of Arts in Worship Studies from Liberty University. He is married to Beth with three children: Brooklyn, Jake, and Bella.

    Contact: jeremy@unityfwb.org

  • Terri Decresie - Women's ministry coordinator

    Terri and her husband Tim have been members of Unity since 1995. During that time, Terri has been a choir member and led a small vocal ensemble of elementary girls and a ladies ensemble.  Over the years, she has taught elementary, middle school, high school, and college aged students. She directed VBS as well as the elementary student’s Christmas production for several years.  She is a graduate of ECU and has taught in Pitt County Public Schools for 40 years. Terri has 5 children and 16 grandchildren.

    Contact: terri@unityfwb.org

  • Elaine Jenkins - Office Manager

    Elaine has been a part of our staff since January of 2011. She is married to Don.

    Contact: elaine@unityfwb.org

  • Anne Keene - Financial manager

    Anne joined the Unity office staff in April of 2022. She is married to Brenan.

    Contact: financemanager@unityfwb.org